774 NHFP Fellows Gets FG Permanent Job
Did you applied for the National health fellowship program? If Yes, then we are glad to let you know that 774 fellows of the National Health Fellows program has been declared HIRED today by President Bola Anmed Tinubu.
Recall that a few months ago, we shared the application news here on Npower discussion Group and some of you applied. See the application news here Link To Apply For FG Health Accountability Officers(National Health Fellows Program
The declaration of the 774 NHFP fellows hired was made during the inauguration of the successful applicants who have been meritoriously selected across the 774 local governments in the country.
By this declaration, the fellows will be engaged on a permanent basis after completion of their one year fellowship program.
The national health fellows scheme, a key initiative under the renewed hope agenda aimed at revitalizing Nigeria’s primary healthcare system is designed to drive meaningful change with innovation in the health sector.
You may want to also read Have You Applied: FEC Approves CLAP Programme
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