
Categories Of People Benefiting From FG N24.8b New Cash Transfer

Categories Of People Benefiting From FG N24.8b New Cash Transfer

It is no longer news that the Federal government has released new funds for its cash transfer program which is targeting at 991,261 people. In this post, we will be talking about the Categories Of 991,261 People To Benefit From the FG N24.8b Cash Transfer. So read on! Read also FG Release Funds For N25k Cash Transfer To Household Across Nigeria

Who are the beneficiaries of this fund?

The programs that will possibly benefit from these funds are : (RRR, CCT PVHH, NCTO, and HUP programmes)

These programs are not new, it was initiated during Buhari's government, and since the program started, thousands of people have received this money.

However, the payment has continued under the renewed hope program of President Tinubu Administration. So anyone who gets this money in Buhari's government and was verified in this. New government will continue to get this money.

Some beneficiaries of these programs have started receiving alert this week, and the payment is ongoing right now.

Here is how people were registered for these programs:

1. Some people applied via direct code received in their phone line.

2..Some peopl apply through link

You may want to also read Link To Apply For FG SMEDAN CGS 50k Grant For Micro Businesses

3. Some beneficiaries were registered by enumerator.

4. There was also house to house registration where some people were given yellow and blue cards and other ways like that.

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