
3MTT Nigeria Apologized To 3MTT/NJFP Fellows On Payment Delay

3MTT Nigeria Apologized To 3MTT/NJFP Fellows On Payment Delay

The management of 3MTT Nigeria has Apologized To 3MTT/NJFP Fellows On Payment Delay. The apology was tender via 3mtt social media platforms.

The 3mtt Apology Reads:

Dear 3MTT-NJFP Fellows, we understand that some of you have not received your stipend payments and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this delay may have caused.

We want to assure you that we are actively working with the NJFP team to rectify this issue as quickly. Your patience and understanding during this time is greatly appreciated. 3MTT stated.

Recall that a few months ago, the 3MTT Nigeria management announced a partnership with NJFP on internship placement. If you missed the update, read it here NJFP Places 3000 Fellows Into 3MTT Program

If you have any questions or need further assistance about the 3mtt program, please do not hesitate to reach 3mtt support via [email protected].

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