
Npower Physical Verification Update For State With Insecurity


Npower Physical Verification Update For State with Insecurity - The management of Npower Nasims have stated that they are aware that some states have not conducted Npower batch C physical verification exercise due to insecurity and they shall be notified when a date is fix for those States. Read details below!

Nasims wrote:

Dear Beneficiary,
Due to heavy security challenges and other unique issues, some states were EXCLUDED in the physical verification exercise conducted months ago for Batch C.

We are aware of those states and shall communicate them in due time pending when date for physical verification exercise is slated. No cause for alarm, be patient.

All concern should take note! Thank you!

Nasims also gave an update regarding beneficiaries verification pass and pending profile status. If you have not seen the update, read it here Nasims Gives Update On Pending Status And Pass Status

According to Nasims they are currently working on batch c stipend payment and Beneficiaries will soon be paid their monthly stipend.

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