
Link To Download NIMC Improved NIN Slip Mobile App

To get the App, you require your National Identification Number (NIN), your phone number (which you used during enrolment for the NIN) to receive an OTP for installing the Mobile ID app, and Good Internet connection to download the NIMC Improved NIN Slip Mobile App.

To Download the NIMC MWS Mobile ID App

  • First, make sure any previous (Beta) version of the NIMC MWS Mobile App has been uninstalled from your mobile
  • To get the NIMC Improved NIN Slip Mobile App visit https://nimcmobile.app
  • DO NOT download the app from dubious websites and social media accounts which may be sharing malicious or corrupt app files.
  • You can also download the app on Google play store and Apple App store
  • To print your NIN slip with the QR code and view your mobile app usage records go to https://myportal.nimc.gov.ng

Get your UserID from the Mobile ID app and a one-minute OTP from the "I Need a PIN" button on the app as well the UserID and OTP are the credentials you use for logging into https://myportal.nimc.gov.ng

Check all your apps to see if the Mobile ID app was actually installed, first, if you encounter difficulties like an error message during installation.

In some cases, if you encounter an error, try again.

For enquires or support contact mobileid@nimc.gov.ng

The improved NIN Slip bearing a QR code and Mobile ID are valid means of identification with the caveat that each MUST be verified using an approved resource such as the NIMC Mobile ID app. The current NIN Slip and National e-ID also remain VALID means of identification.

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