Mr. Afolabi Imoukhuede, the SSA to the President on Job Creation, highlights the efforts made by this Administration in the last three years while focusing on the contribution of N-Power in addressing unemployment in Nigeria at the National Social Investment Office's (NSIO) world press conference on Thursday in Abuja. #SlPin3Years
Mr. Afolabi Imoukhuede, the SSA to the President on Job Creation, highlights the efforts made by this Administration while focusing on the contribution of @npower_ng in addressing unemployment in Nigeria. #SIPin3Years @MBuhari @BashirAhmaad pic.twitter.com/Jr22qoOOTE
— Abubaq'r Muhammed Belluchii. (Kogi Son) (@Bellkonekt) May 23, 2019
According to Afolabi remarks, the efforts made by the Muhammadu Buhari led administration to address the problem of unemployment in Nigeria is in the government's bid to fulfill their 2015 electoral promise on job creation to Nigerian youths that the N-Power scheme sprung.
"And secondly was also the reason why the job creation unit was carried out in the presidency, in the office of the vice president. And then, right after that, as we began to unravel the implementation of the promise, which has now become the National Social Investment programme, it was also important and imperative that the job creation.
How do we speak to the needs of the youth, within the context of our social investment, and that's why we then have what is now known as the N-Power programme. Just like the Special Adviser (Mrs Maryam Uwais) has alluded to. That component speaks primarily to the job creation component of our Nigerian youths between the ages of 18 and 35," Afolabi says.
In the same event, Mrs Maryam Uwais revealed that FG releases N470.8bn for N-Power, other social investment programmes in the past 3 years

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