The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, has pleaded with Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari, to allow one million Nigerians enter Canada under a new Employment and Migration Programme designed for immigrants.

In a comprehensive post on cbtvn Trudeau said immigrants from Nigeria have been a strong force in Canada's growth in all sectors of its economy.
"We can't undermine or overlook the contribution of immigrants in Canada's development especially our brothers and sisters from Nigeria”, Trudeau said.
The PM added that, over the past three years, Canada has granted residency to all Nigerians who were illegally living in Canada and applied to remain. "We granted them and urging everyone to apply. It's good we document everyone to know how many people we are to cater for", he said.
In a memo sent to the Nigeria High Commission in Canada, the Employment and Migration Programme will allow Nigerians wishing to live in Canada to first obtain job before traveling to the country.
“The programme's website will be launched next week and all available jobs will be listed. Currently there are over 6 million vacancies and we are hoping that Buhari allows at least one million people from Nigeria", a spokesperson for the Canadian Labour Department, Shadrack Scott said.
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