Yesterday the 8th day of January 2019, the senior special assistant to the president on job creation Mr. Afolabi Imuokhuede engaged the N-power beneficiaries in a short Facebook live video chat the first in 2019. He managed to address some issues that needed to be addressed, some of the beneficiaries who are privilege to watch the live video chat will attest to the fact that Mr Afolabi has clear the air on the main issues bordering N-power volunteers.
READ ALSO: Transcribed Of Mr Afolabi Facebook Video Chat - January 8th 2019
The last night video chat with Mr Afolabi is a wakeup call to all N-power beneficiaries that there is every needs for all to head up and start taking action to better their future. In the video, Afolabi do mention that if there will be permanency it will come from the State government.
Nevertheless to set the right part to a fulfilling future, you should begin today by learning things, skills that will lead you to the part of success. If you are the type that has been arguing with your colleagues, stop today and start learning from each other. The 2017 Npower beneficiaries can learn from the 2016 because from their impact stories some of them has achieved tremendous things and they can serve as your mentors. That is not withstanding, the 2016 can equally learn from the 2017 beneficiaries.
Note in the video chat, Mr Afolabi also stated that the enhancement for the 2016 beneficiaries has commence. So, continue to attend to your daily duties at your place of primary assignment while Npower prepare to engage you in the #NextLevel.
READ ALSO: Join Mr Afolabi For 2019 Facebook Live Video Chat Today - January 8th
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